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The earthquakes of May 20th and 29th, 2012 A provisional report of a dramatic experience The earthquake in Emilia has left profound scars, caused suffering and added further difficulty to what was already a complex economic situation. There has, however, been an extraordinary response to this disaster.
The reaction to the devastating “earth breath” Courage and solidarity Several months have passed since the profound and lethal "earth breath" of May 20th which made us discover how fragile we are. If it is when faced with difficulties that we see how a community reacts, then Ferrara has shown extraordinary strength.
Doing business in an earthquake zone Will, pragmatism and creativity The earthquakes of May 2012 extensively and violently damaged the most productive district of our province - the upper Ferrara area which houses most of the industrial activity of the area.
“We’re still here, we haven’t left” Small businesses and craftsmen Eight months after the earthquake it is possible to take stock of the situation, analyzing what has been done. I can testify that, after the initial pain and discomfort, my colleagues and craftsmen reacted by rolling up their sleeves and removing the rubble from homes and businesses.
Tha agricultural sector and the earthquake Facts and considerations Old rural culture has always been cautiously afraid of leap years. In the 2012 leap year we witnessed a catastrophic earthquake and a devastating drought that
extensively damaged not only agricultural buildings but also the farm revenue for a large part of the upper Ferrara area.

Redazione e crediti

Written by  Redazione

Rivista semestrale di cultura, informazione e attualità Anno 19, numero 36 - Dicembre 2012 Registrata presso il Tribunale di Ferrara il 9 novembre 1994 con il numero 13/94. ISSN 1128-3572
Edizione fuori commercio, riservata ai soci e agli amici della Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Ferrara


Comitato editoriale

Roberto Pazzi, Leopoldo Santini, Gianni Venturi, Francesca Zanardi Bargellesi


Direttore responsabile
Alfredo Santini


Coordinamento e cura editoriale
Monica Bracardi

Impaginazione e realizzazione
le Immagini - Ferrara

Derek Bacchus

Segreteria di redazione
Valentina Lapierre

Revisione bozze
Angela Ghinato


Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Ferrara
Sede legale, amministrativa e redazionale
Palazzo Muzzarelli Crema Via Cairoli, 13 - 44121 Ferrara tel. 0532/205091 - fax 0532/210362


SATE - via Goretti, 88 - Ferrara


In copertina
Archivio Paolo Ravenna, Paolo Ravenna ritratto da Paolo Monti nel 1975 nella soffitta di casa Tumiati-Ravenna di via Palestro.



Crediti Fotografici

Archivio Regione Emilia-Romagna (Copyright): pp. 8, 10-11, 18, 19, 31, 38
Archivio Polizia Provinciale Ferrara: p. 12, 14
Foto Luca Gavagna: p. 14
Archivio Unindustria Ferrara: p. 16
Meridiana Immagini: pp. 15, 20, 28, 30
Archivio CNA: p. 22
Foto Giacomo Agarossi: pp. 24, 26-27
Foto Business Press: pp. 23, 30, 34, 35, 38, 39, 47
Foto Marco Caselli Nirmal: p. 32
Foto Marco Minzoni: p. 34
Archivio ISIT: p. 36
Archivio Unife: p. 43
Foto Francesco Mascellani: p. 42
Archivio Diocesano arte Sacra e Beni Culturali di Ferrara: p. 44
Archivio Direzione Regionale per I Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici dell'Emilia-Romagna: pp. 48, 50-52
Archivio Fondazione Carife: pp. 53, 59, 63
Archivio Studio Paolo Ravenna: pp. 54, 57
Archivio Bianca Doria: pp. 60-61
Archivio Cassa di Risparmio di Ferrara: pp. 63, 65-73